
GAPP Yemen Gender Analysis for Progressive Policy in Yemen

December 2017 — December 2019

GAPP Yemen Gender Analysis for Progressive Policy in Yemen

December 2017 — December 2019

About the program

The Sana’a Center for Strategic Studies and the Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency jointly undertook research and advocacy project to address the effect of the war on gender relations and access to services in Yemen, to instill a gender lens in the policy debate and programmatic planning processes on Yemen by delivering gender-specific data and high quality gender-focused analysis on how the conflict has affected gender relations and powers at the local level. The project also aimed to inform how policies, UN-led peace process and programming in Yemen can respond effectively by addressing gender gaps caused by current dynamics and promoting successful gender empowering models that may be identified. It also provided insights on how to create strategic platforms for women to be empowered and engage effectively.

This project carried out a study of how the changes affected women’s role at the community-level; Engaging various actors working in the field of gender, such as experts, civil society, CBOs, NGOs, INGOs, UN and the donor community working in Yemen, to inform the study and contribute to the production of the final results; delivering credible and useful gender-focused analysis on the current political, security and humanitarian dynamics using data from field research on how the conflict has affected the role of women at the community level; Informing and influencing local and international actors in regard to gender-related policies and post-conflict scenarios.

You can read the full report here.
