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Andrew Hammond has worked as a reporter and analyst with various news outlets and research institutes covering Egypt, Turkey and the Gulf.

Andrew's latest contributions

Temperatures, Tensions Roil Government – The Yemen Review, June and July 2023

August 15, 2023
Summer has been dominated by rising tensions among the Saudi-led coalition, as competition between Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates continues to undermine the internationally recognized government. The current phase of the rivalry is centered on Hadramawt, the vast eastern governorate bordering Saudi Arabia that has seen repeated bouts of … Read more

A Southern Reshuffle – The Yemen Review, May 2023

June 22, 2023
Political news in May was dominated by the reorganization and resurgence of the Southern Transitional Council (STC). Seemingly sidelined by the Saudi-Houthi talks and the Kingdom’s support of Presidential Leadership Council (PLC) chief Rashad al-Alimi, the Emirati-backed group extended its influence through the recruitment of powerful politicians, … Read more

Saudis Visit Sana’a as Warring Parties Conduct Prisoner Exchange – The Yemen Review, April 2023

May 15, 2023
Saudi-Houthi talks in Sana’a during Ramadan failed to produce a final agreement on a roadmap for final status peace talks and a permanent ceasefire. Presidential Leadership Council (PLC) leaders in Riyadh were left out of the loop although the Saudis continued to insist that the Houthis co-sign any deal with the internationally recognized … Read more

Saudi-Houthi Talks Move Toward Ceasefire – The Yemen Review, March 2023

April 14, 2023
Saudi-Houthi talks regained traction over the course of March, and the announcement of a ceasefire is expected as Riyadh looks to wind down its direct military involvement in Yemen. At month’s end, Presidential Leadership Council chief Rashad al-Alimi and his government were summoned to the Saudi capital to be briefed on the negotiations. Despite … Read more

Saudi-Houthi Talks Sow Cracks in Coalition – The Yemen Review, January and February 2023

March 10, 2023
Ongoing bilateral talks between Saudi Arabia and the armed Houthi movement have renewed optimism that a negotiated political settlement in Yemen might yet be possible. But the talks are an exclusively Saudi initiative and threaten to serve only the narrow interests of their current participants. To date, their primary effect has been the easing of … Read more