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Elham Babukair

Elham Babukair is the Translation Manager at the Sana’a Center for Strategic Studies. Before joining the Center, her more than 10 years of work experience as a professional translator focused primarily on reports for international organizations dealing with migration, economic, humanitarian, and peace and security issues in Africa. Babukair also holds an MBA from Lincoln University in Oakland, California.

Elham's latest contributions

The Yemen Review Quarterly: April-June 2024

July 15, 2024
Houthi intelligence arrested dozens of local and international aid workers and UN and non-government organization (NGO) staff in early June, alleging they were part of a US-Israeli conspiracy to undermine Yemeni society. The detainees were paraded on television and forced to give scripted confessions. The Houthis seem to have targeted monitoring … Read more

Mending the Saudi-Iranian Rift: A Prelude for a Chinese Role in Yemen?

April 14, 2023
The agreement between Saudi Arabia and Iran to resume diplomatic ties on March 10 was surprising to many, but not entirely unexpected. Important signposts, including rounds of Saudi-Iranian talks in Iraq and Oman since 2021, and a Saudi desire to disengage from the war in Yemen, pointed to an engagement with Iran at some point. The wildcard, … Read more