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Hadil al-Mowafak

Hadil al-Mowafak is a non-resident fellow with the Sana’a Center. From 2020, she worked as a research fellow at the Yemen Policy Center, focusing on peacebuilding, human rights, and environmental security. She holds a BA in political science from Stanford University.

Hadil's latest contributions

Hadil al-Mowafak on the Power of Satire and Comedy in Yemen’s Politics and Conflict

Hadil al-Mowafak is a non-resident fellow with the Sana’a Center, focused on peacebuilding, human rights, and environmental security. Following the outbreak of war in Yemen, Al-Mowafak joined Mwatana for Human Rights as a researcher, investigating war crimes and human rights violations. In 2016, she moved to the United States, where she graduated … Read more