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Maged Al-Madhaji

Co-Founder of the Sana’a Center for Strategic Studies and its former Executive Director (2014-2022). One of Yemen’s most prominent political and human rights activists, Al-Madhaji’s research and writing on Yemen is regularly published by the Sana’a Center and other media outlets and academic platforms. He is a commentator on Yemeni affairs for Arabic media.

Maged's latest contributions

STC Declaration of Self-Rule in Southern Yemen Airs Sour Relations with Riyadh

April 28, 2020
In the early hours of April 26, the Southern Transitional Council (STC), citing a conspiracy against the southern cause, declared self-governance and a state of emergency across the entire former … Read more

What Happens After Hadi?

April 15, 2020
It is usually a losing game to predict how many days or years an Arab leader has left in power — even those entering their 80s or 90s. Nevertheless, locally, regionally, and internationally, … Read more

The Battle of Marib: Houthis Threaten Yemeni Government Stronghold

April 10, 2020
Following the fall of Al-Hazm, the capital of Al-Jawf governorate, to the armed Houthi movement at the end of February, all eyes have turned to neighboring Marib. The wealthiest governorate in the … Read more

Taiz at the Intersection of the Yemen War

March 26, 2020
The wider Yemen war is made up of various individual conflicts and collaborations among local and regional actors, and there is no place where these intricacies intersect more than Taiz

Capture of Al-Hazm Positions Houthis Well, Militarily and Politically

March 4, 2020
The fall of Al-Jawf to the armed Houthi movement significantly changes the course of the war in Yemen, militarily clearing the Houthis’ path to move into oil-rich Marib governorate, as well as … Read more