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Maysaa Shuja Al-Deen

Maysaa Shuja al-Deen is a senior researcher at Sana’a Center for Strategic Studies. Her writing and analyses have been featured in many media outlets such as Jadaliyya, Assafir al Araby, al Araby al Jadeed, and Al-Monitor.

Shuja Al-deen holds a master’s degree in Islamic Studies from the American University in Cairo. The focus of her thesis was the Radicalization of Zaydism.

Maysaa's latest contributions

The Mandatory Celebration of Hardship

November 14, 2022
In the past, the Yemeni state celebrated only holidays that held national significance. These included the anniversaries of several major political moments in Yemen’s history: September 26, marking … Read more

The Ismaili Minority: Between Oppression and Integration

October 18, 2022
Ismailis are the second biggest Shia community worldwide after the Twelver Shia, but while in Yemen they are outnumbered by both Sunnis and Zaidi Shia they have deep historical roots in the country … Read more

Avoiding the Fate of a Powerless President

September 8, 2022
Former President Ali Abdullah Saleh was in many ways an absolute ruler, exercising his authority in a manner that often exceeded his constitutional powers. In doing so he was following the … Read more

Showdown in Shabwa Shakes Government – The Yemen Review, August 2022

September 8, 2022
Long-running tensions between the Islamist Islah party and UAE-backed groups in Shabwa erupted into open conflict in August, with the Giants Brigades and STC-aligned Shabwa Defense forces driving … Read more

Entrenched Power: The Houthi System of Governance

July 11, 2022
One of the challenges to ending the war in Yemen is the changing nature of the Yemeni state under Houthi rule. The Zaidi Shia movement has created facts on the ground that considerably complicate the … Read more