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Maysaa Shuja Al-Deen

Maysaa Shuja al-Deen is a senior researcher at Sana’a Center for Strategic Studies. Her writing and analyses have been featured in many media outlets such as Jadaliyya, Assafir al Araby, al Araby al Jadeed, and Al-Monitor.

Shuja Al-deen holds a master’s degree in Islamic Studies from the American University in Cairo. The focus of her thesis was the Radicalization of Zaydism.

Maysaa's latest contributions

Saudis Visit Sana’a as Warring Parties Conduct Prisoner Exchange – The Yemen Review, April 2023

May 15, 2023
Saudi-Houthi talks in Sana’a during Ramadan failed to produce a final agreement on a roadmap for final status peace talks and a permanent ceasefire. Presidential Leadership Council (PLC) leaders in … Read more

Saudi-Houthi Talks Move Toward Ceasefire – The Yemen Review, March 2023

April 14, 2023
Saudi-Houthi talks regained traction over the course of March, and the announcement of a ceasefire is expected as Riyadh looks to wind down its direct military involvement in Yemen. At month’s end, … Read more

Saudi-Houthi Talks Sow Cracks in Coalition – The Yemen Review, January and February 2023

March 10, 2023
Ongoing bilateral talks between Saudi Arabia and the armed Houthi movement have renewed optimism that a negotiated political settlement in Yemen might yet be possible. But the talks are an … Read more

Houthis Target Southern Ports – The Yemen Review, October 2022

November 14, 2022
The UN-backed truce between the Houthi movement and the internationally recognized government was allowed to expire on October 2. Efforts to secure its further extension failed following a … Read more

The Mandatory Celebration of Hardship

November 14, 2022
In the past, the Yemeni state celebrated only holidays that held national significance. These included the anniversaries of several major political moments in Yemen’s history: September 26, marking … Read more