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Salah Ali Salah

Salah Ali Salah is a Project Officer at the Sana’a Center for Strategic Studies. His work focuses on the relational dynamics between local actors and how they shape the Yemeni political landscape. Prior to joining the Center, Salah was the Director General of the Monitoring and Technical Inspection Unit at the Supreme National Authority for Combating Corruption. He is active in public and civil society life in Yemen and has been engaged in local conflict mediations that have led to the release of a number of political prisoners.

Salah's latest contributions

The War on Yemen’s Roads

January 16, 2023
Yemen’s limited network of paved highways in the densely-populated western third of the country has been battered and weaponized during eight years of war. At least 100 bridges and approximately … Read more

The Ismaili Minority: Between Oppression and Integration

October 18, 2022
Ismailis are the second biggest Shia community worldwide after the Twelver Shia, but while in Yemen they are outnumbered by both Sunnis and Zaidi Shia they have deep historical roots in the country … Read more

Government Instability Overshadows Truce – The Yemen Review, July 2022

August 12, 2022
Long-running tensions between the Islamist Islah party and the Southern Transitional Council boiled over in Shabwa in July, as political disputes over security posts devolved into clashes between … Read more

Taiz Siege Continues as Talks Face Roadblocks – The Yemen Review, June 2022

July 11, 2022
A truce between the internationally recognized Yemeni government and the armed Houthi movement was extended on June 2 and has largely held, despite intermittent violence and unresolved issues from … Read more

How Outsiders Fighting for Marib are Reshaping the Governorate

November 4, 2021
Marib governorate has emerged as a pivotal battleground between the armed Houthi movement on one hand, and the internationally recognized government and their respective allies on the other. The … Read more