A delegation of senior experts from the Sana’a Center for Strategic Studies undertook an advocacy mission to Geneva and Bern, Switzerland, where they met with key Swiss stakeholders involved in peacebuilding and humanitarian development in Yemen. Conducted between April 30th and May 1st, the goal of the mission was to discuss developments in the Red Sea and present the international community with policy recommendations to operationalize the ‘humanitarian-development-peace’ framework in Yemen.
During their trip, the experts met with the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC) and the Federal Department of Foreign Affairs, as well as key INGOs such as the Geneva Centre for Security Sector Governance (DCAF) and Geneva Call. They also shared the findings from a recent Sana’a Center report, titled “Development is coming: be careful what you wish for”, and briefed policymakers on the impact of the current crisis and future scenarios should the Red Sea escalation continue.
In an Interpeace-hosted event titled “Towards Sustainable Development in Yemen,” the delegation held roundtable discussions with representatives from the Swiss Mission to the UN and INGOs working in Yemen, including the Centre for Humanitarian Dialogue, Geneva Call, DCAF and Reos Partners.
Throughout the meetings, Osamah Al-Rawhani, Executive Director for Policy and Partnerships at the Sana’a Center, highlighted the importance of supporting Yemeni-led and locally-tailored interventions in Yemen to ensure sustainable development.