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Adnan al-Jabarni is a Yemeni journalist specializing in military affairs. He previously worked for Al-Masdar Online and has covered the conflict in Yemen since 2014, writing investigative reports focused on the internal structure of the Houthis and various military components in Yemen.

Adnan's latest contributions

A New Axis: Strategic Coordination between the Houthis and Iraqi Factions

July 15, 2024
On May 23, Abdelmalek al-Houthi, leader of the Houthi group (), announced that Houthi forces had begun coordinating military operations with Iran-backed Iraqi militant groups. The partnership was publicly unveiled as part of the “fourth phase of escalation” in the Houthi response to Israel’s war against Palestinians in Gaza. Under the fourth … Read more

Bios: The Houthi Delegates to Riyadh

November 23, 2023
A Houthi delegation flew to Saudi Arabia’s capital, Riyadh, on September 14 for the latest round of negotiations to end nine years of war in Yemen. A year after the United Nations officially brokered a truce in April 2022, talks have slowly shifted from backchannels to direct public meetings. The high visibility of their first-ever confirmed visit … Read more