Dr. Nadia Al-Sakkaf is the director of 21 Century Forum, a UK-based research organization specializing in media, digital safety, gender, democratic transitions, climate change, and socio-economic development. She was the first woman appointed as Yemen’s Minister of Information. She also served as Chief Editor of the country’s first English language newspaper, The Yemen Times. She is the co-founder of the Connecting Yemen initiative, which advocates for accessible and affordable internet in Yemen.
Nadia's latest contributions
Impact Assessment of Aid Interventions in Yemen
In aid work, traditional monitoring and evaluation (M&E) processes frequently place a high priority on quantitative indicators and short-term project outcomes. This results in a cursory grasp of the impact of these projects rather than an understanding of the real and long-lasting changes or advantages experienced by beneficiaries and their … Read more
Localizing Aid and Development in Yemen
This study examines the key barriers and opportunities regarding localizing humanitarian aid in Yemen. The findings reveal a significant gap between the international community’s intent to localize aid and the reality on the ground. Challenges include Yemen’s fragmented political landscape, weak governance, and a limited understanding of what … Read more
Development is Coming: Be Careful What You Wish For
Since 2021, Yemenis have become more strident in their calls for new and better ways of providing aid.[1] Yemeni experts have warned that prolonged cycles of short-term humanitarian aid can entrench dependence and have called for a transition toward development approaches that could set the foundation for a sustainable post-conflict economy.[2] … Read more