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Mohammed al-Katheri is president of the Yemeni Peace and Building Foundation and focuses on Hadramawt in his work as a trainer and advocacy specialist in peacebuilding.

Mohammed's latest contributions

Women in Hadramawt Organize to Alleviate Travel Restrictions, Providing a Model for Civic Engagement

January 13, 2022
This paper aims to shed light on the role of advocacy campaigns in building a cooperative social infrastructure to solve local issues and promote peace. It examines how and under what circumstances Hadramawt Women for Peace was able to coordinate an effective advocacy campaign. The paper discusses the closing of the airport, studies the campaign’s … Read more

387 Days of Power: How Al-Qaeda Seized, Held and Ultimately Lost a Yemeni City 

January 5, 2021
On March 26, 2015, Saudi Arabia launched Operation Decisive Storm, which was intended to be a brief air campaign – the Saudis told the US it would take “about six weeks” – to expel the Houthis from Sana’a and reinstate Yemen’s internationally recognized president, Abdo Rabbu Mansour Hadi. Riyadh’s impulsive rush to war would have disastrous … Read more