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Maysaa Shuja Al-Deen

Maysaa Shuja al-Deen is a senior researcher at Sana’a Center for Strategic Studies. Her writing and analyses have been featured in many media outlets such as Jadaliyya, Assafir al Araby, al Araby al Jadeed, and Al-Monitor.

Shuja Al-deen holds a master’s degree in Islamic Studies from the American University in Cairo. The focus of her thesis was the Radicalization of Zaydism.

Maysaa's latest contributions

Presidential Councils in Yemen: Exploring Past Attempts at Power Sharing and Possibilities for the Future

May 12, 2021
To further explore the idea of a presidential council, it is useful to examine past executive councils in Yemen’s history, including their composition, strengths and weaknesses. This includes … Read more

Don’t Import the Libyan Model to Yemen

March 19, 2021
In early February, the UN announced that 74 influential Libyan politicians and factional and tribal representatives gathered in Geneva had successfully negotiated the formation of an interim national … Read more

Trump’s Endgame: Weighing a Houthi FTO Designation

December 10, 2020
As US President Donald Trump’s administration winds down, reports have emerged that Washington is once again considering the idea of designating the armed Houthi movement, Ansar Allah, as a foreign … Read more

The Houthis: From the Sa’ada Wars to the Saudi-led Intervention

June 16, 2020
In February 2010, former Yemeni President Ali Abdullah Saleh casually declared in a speech that the Sa’ada Wars were over. Six rounds of fighting between the Yemeni army and Houthi movement since … Read more

Federalism in Yemen: A Catalyst for War, the Present Reality, and the Inevitable Future

February 28, 2019
The 2014 proposal to partition Yemen into a federal system was one of the major causes of the current conflict. The plan, proposed by President Abdo Rabbu Mansour Hadi, was supposedly intended to put … Read more