Rim Mugahed currently leads the “Supporting Broader Inclusion and Participation in the Yemeni Peace Process” program. She is also a sociologist and her work on Yemen focuses on women in prisons, community perceptions of women policing and female voices.
Mugahed's latest contributions
‘One Hand Does Not Clap’: Partisanship and the Dual Challenge of Women’s Inclusion in Yemen
Because Yemen’s political parties are important to both Track I and Track II diplomatic negotiations and dialogue, it is possible to advance gender-inclusive approaches to peacebuilding by expanding their roles in decision-making and agenda-setting within their parties. This policy brief reviews the recent history of women’s partisanship and … Read more
The Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Yemeni Women
Yemen was among the last countries to announce the arrival of the COVID-19 pandemic. The first confirmed case in the country was declared on April 10, 2020, a month after the World Health Organization declared a pandemic on March 11. An explosion of infections was anticipated in Yemen, where six years of war has destroyed the healthcare sector and … Read more
Yemen, Five Years On and Now a Stranger to My Country
My work developing hotel profiles for online bookings brings me in direct contact with hotel owners and managers. The work is good, not boring, and I am friendly with our partners. Still, each time a hotel asks to charge for internet access in its rooms, I feel a rage stirred by the reminder of hotels where I stayed in Casablanca when war in Yemen … Read more