Marib, Yemen - The Sana'a Center for Strategic Studies organized a workshop to discuss and identify the most urgent issues facing the governorate of Marib, part of a broader project exploring alternative methodologies for Track II peace efforts in Yemen. Held on August 13 and 14, local officials, civil society groups, activists, community leaders, and journalists all participated in the…
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Yemeni Tribal Conference Discusses Role of Tribes in Ending the War December 6, 2021 News
Navigate News by year:
Putting Values into Practice: Seven Years and Counting
Dear Friends, Seven years have passed since the Sana’a Center’s first publication, and today we find Yemen at an inflection point. With a truce in place since April, the country is experiencing its longest sustained period of relative peace. The truce has been accompanied by a series of dramatic changes we have long advocated for, from overhauling the country’s political…
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Workshop Assessing Political, Economic and Security Conditions in Hadramawt
Mukalla, Yemen – A two-day workshop bringing together a range of local officials, civil society groups, journalists and clerics to assess political, economic and security conditions in Hadramawt governorate concluded today, August 11, in the governorate capital of Mukalla. The workshop, which was organized by the Sana’a Center for Strategic Studies and Saferworld, an independent organization working on conflict resolution,…
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Yemeni Voices and Solutions Emerge from First-Ever Yemen International Forum
STOCKHOLM, Sweden — Support for a host of potential approaches to overcome economic and political impasses and ease the way for a negotiated end to Yemen’s protracted war emerged throughout the Yemen International Forum 2022, which closed Sunday in Stockholm. Parallel meetings at the YIF, organized by the Sana’a Center for Strategic Studies in cooperation with the Folke Bernadotte Academy,…
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US Envoy Discusses International Mediation Efforts for Yemen at YIF 2022
STOCKHOLM, Sweden — The United States would welcome the day when Yemenis can sit together to address the root causes of Yemen’s conflict, US Special Envoy to Yemen Tim Lenderking told delegates Saturday at the Yemen International Forum 2022, where more than 200 Yemeni, regional and international actors were seeking new approaches to remove some of the obstacles to a…
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Yemen International Forum Opens With Pledges of Support for Yemeni-led Solutions
STOCKHOLM, Sweden — The opening session of the Yemen International Forum, organized by the Sana’a Center for Strategic Studies and the Folke Bernadotte Academy, kicked off in Stockholm today, June 17, 2022, with Sweden’s foreign minister and the UN special envoy to Yemen urging participants to take advantage of the current truce to overcome obstacles that will allow peacemaking processes…
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Yemen International Forum 2022 Launches in Stockholm
STOCKHOLM, Sweden — The Sana’a Center for Strategic Studies in cooperation with the Folke Bernadotte Academy launches the Yemen International Forum 2022 in Stockholm on Friday June 17, 2022, a platform for Yemenis to engage in in-depth conversations on the political situation, peace efforts and the economy. With 200 participants, the forum brings together members of government, senior leaders from…
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UN Humanitarian Coordinator in Yemen: $20 Million Urgently Needed to Prevent $20 Billion Cleanup from Catastrophic Oil Spill
UN Humanitarian Coordinator in Yemen: $20 Million Urgently Needed to Prevent $20 Billion Cleanup from Catastrophic Oil Spill
During the Sana’a Center for Strategic Studies’ latest Yemen Media Call, United Nations Resident and Humanitarian Coordinator in Yemen David Gressly said funding was urgently needed for a UN effort to avert a catastrophic oil spill in the Red Sea. In an unusual step by the UN to address the current funding shortfall, Gressly also announced the launching of a…
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Sana’a Center and the Government of the Netherlands Sign Four-Year Partnership Agreement
Amman – The Sana’a Center for Strategic Studies and the Government of the Netherlands signed a four-year strategic partnership project on June 9, titled “Supporting a Localized, Inclusive and Sustainable Peace in Yemen”. The project aims to enhance localization of the peace process through advancing an inclusive, gendered and bottom-up approach that focuses on providing policy platforms to Yemenis, building…
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The Eighth Yemen Exchange Concludes
The Eighth Yemen Exchange concluded its online program on March 15, 2022, after bringing together over 74 participants from around the world to gain unique access to information, perspectives, updates and analysis on Yemen. More than 50 speakers and facilitators presented over the course of two weeks, including Yemeni and international analysts, academics, politicians, high-level diplomats, business leaders and economic…