Sana’a Center Chairperson Maged al-Madhaji and Yemen International Forum (YIF) Director Waleed Alhariri concluded a regional tour on March 15 that included visits to Abu Dhabi, Riyadh, and Muscat for talks with officials on the latest developments in Yemen and to the Sana’a Center’s preparations for the second YIF set to be held in June. The trip included meetings and…
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Priorities in Marib: A Sana’a Center Workshop August 15, 2022 News
Putting Values into Practice: Seven Years and Counting August 15, 2022 News
Workshop Assessing Political, Economic and Security Conditions in Hadramawt August 11, 2022 News
Yemeni Voices and Solutions Emerge from First-Ever Yemen International Forum June 19, 2022 News
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Yemeni Community Leaders and OSESGY Discuss Local Priorities in Four Strategic Governorates
Amman – A series of meetings bringing together Yemeni community leaders with representatives of the United Nations Office of the Special Envoy of the Secretary-General for Yemen (OSESGY), diplomatic missions, and other international bodies concluded in Amman on March 5, with discussions focusing on a range of local issues, notably the need to reopen and demine roads and the importance…
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Letter from the Chairperson
Dear Readers, Thank you. In ways both subtle and profound, your engagement, support, partnership, readership, and most importantly, your trust, have helped the Sana’a Center become what it is today. After eight years, I am writing to let you know that my days at the Center’s helm have come to a close. As of the New Year, I have stepped…
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Seyoun Conference Bringing Together Four Local Strategic Groups from Hadramawt, Al-Mahra, Shabwa, and Marib Concludes
Seyoun Conference Bringing Together Four Local Strategic Groups from Hadramawt, Al-Mahra, Shabwa, and Marib Concludes
Seyoun –A three-day conference concluding on Wednesday, January 25, in Seyoun, Hadramawt aimed to discuss the local challenges identified by four local strategic groups, formed in the governorates of Al-Mahra, Hadramawt, Marib, and Shabwa, as part of a broader project exploring alternative methodologies for Track II peace efforts in Yemen. During the conference “Community-based Approaches for Addressing Local Issues”, participants…
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The Yemen and Gulf Exchange Concludes
The Yemen and Gulf Exchange concluded its two-week online program on January 27. Organized by the Sana’a Center for Strategic Studies and the Exchange Foundation, over 60 participants from around the world gained unique access to information, perspectives, analysis, and updates on Yemen, with a particular focus on its connections with neighboring countries – the Gulf states and Iran. Sessions,…
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The Netherlands to Host Second Yemen International Forum in 2023
The second Yemen International Forum will take place in The Hague, Netherlands, in June 2023, the Dutch government and the Sana’a Center for Strategic Studies announced on Thursday, October 27, 2022. H.E. Ambassador of the Kingdom of The Netherlands to Yemen Peter-Derrek Hof made the announcement during a virtual press conference organized by Sana'a Center to discuss the outcomes of…
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Workshop Tackles Peace Priorities from Yemeni Women’s Point of View
Amman, Jordan – A three-day workshop tackling urgent issues for Yemeni women in the peace process concluded on September 20, with participants identifying political, social, economic, and security priorities that should be reflected and represented in future peace talks. The workshop, “Voices Absent from the Peace Process: Challenges, Solutions, and Implementation Mechanisms”, was held in Amman, Jordan, and organized by…
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The Sana’a Center and Switzerland Sign Two-Year Partnership Agreement
The Sana’a Center for Strategic Studies and the Government of Switzerland have signed a two-year strategic partnership to study the interrelation between the humanitarian aid response in Yemen and economic dynamics in the country. As part of the program, the Sana’a Center will create dialogue platforms bringing together local, regional, and international humanitarian and economic stakeholders in Yemen to exchange…
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Exploring Local Solutions to Challenges in Al-Mahra
Al-Ghaydah, Al-Mahra - A two-day workshop bringing together a range of local officials, activists, and community leaders to explore local solutions to urgent issues in Al-Mahra governorate concluded on Sunday, August 21. This workshop, attended by Al-Mahra provincial deputy for youth affairs, Bader Kalashat, and provincial deputy assistant for women, Khadija Bakrit, is part of the second phase of a…
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Sana’a Center Workshop Tackles Urgent Issues in Shabwa
Shabwa, Yemen – The Sana’a Center for Strategic Studies held a workshop to assess and discuss the most urgent challenges facing the governorate of Shabwa, addressing security, political, economic, and service issues.. During the workshop, held on August 17 and 18, a range of local officials, activists, community leaders, women’s organizations, civil society groups, and journalists identified a number of…