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Anthony Biswell

Anthony Biswell is a former economic analyst at the Sana’a Center. Prior to joining the Center, Anthony was the Senior Yemen Analyst for The Delma Institute in Abu Dhabi, managing research projects and advisory programs, as well as training and mentoring junior analysts. Previously, he worked as an editor and researcher for IHS in Yemen, where he was based in 2010 and 2013-2014.

Biswell holds an MA in International Conflict Studies from King’s College London and a BSc in Politics from Cardiff University.

Anthony's latest contributions

Yemen Economic Bulletin: Lebanon’s Financial Collapse Traps Yemeni Banks’ Money

May 8, 2020
In January 2020, demonstrators heckled a delegation of bankers leaving Lebanon’s central bank. What was unique in this situation, however, was the identity of the banking delegation. These bankers … Read more

Yemen’s Fate Hinges on the Economy

April 6, 2020
High-level policymakers working on Yemen often resemble firefighters: moving from crisis to crisis, rarely affording themselves time to take stock of the bigger picture. Five years on from the launch … Read more

The War for Monetary Control Enters a Dangerous New Phase

January 21, 2020
Since September 2016, competing branches of the Central Bank of Yemen (CBY) have operated from either side of the frontlines in the country’s ongoing armed conflict, with the resultant fragmentation … Read more

Transitional Government in Post-Conflict Yemen

August 5, 2019
This policy brief offers recommendations to maximize the effectiveness of governance in post-conflict Yemen – whatever the composition or structure of the government. It presents three case studies … Read more

Challenges for Yemen’s Local Governance amid Conflict

July 29, 2018
Local councils are among Yemen’s most important state institutions. Responsible for providing basic public services to millions of Yemenis, local councils represent official governance and the Yemeni … Read more