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Ryan Bailey

Ryan Bailey is chief editor at the Sana’a Center for Strategic Studies.

Prior to joining the Center, he was an editor at Carnegie Middle East Center. He has also worked with various policy institutes and news organizations based in Beirut, Lebanon, focusing on politics, economics and security in the Middle East.

He holds an MA in Middle Eastern Studies from the American University of Beirut and BAs in History and Economics from Northeastern University.

Ryan's latest contributions

Journey into Shabwa

December 22, 2020
In November, the Sana’a Center organized a visit by an international press delegation to Yemen’s Shabwa governorate. This was the third such trip the center has arranged, with previous ones being to … Read more

Yemen Economic Bulletin: Lebanon’s Financial Collapse Traps Yemeni Banks’ Money

May 8, 2020
In January 2020, demonstrators heckled a delegation of bankers leaving Lebanon’s central bank. What was unique in this situation, however, was the identity of the banking delegation. These bankers … Read more