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Casey Coombs
Casey Coombs is a researcher at the Sana’a Center for Strategic Studies. Coombs also works as an independent journalist, reporting extensively on Yemen, where he was based between 2012 and 2015. Prior to Yemen, he reported from United Nations headquarters in New York, covering UN Security Council work on the Arab political uprisings.
He holds BAs in English & Anthropology and an MS in International Relations.

Casey's latest contributions

Houthis Target Southern Ports – The Yemen Review, October 2022

November 14, 2022
The UN-backed truce between the Houthi movement and the internationally recognized government was allowed to expire on October 2. Efforts to secure its further extension failed following a … Read more

Truce Expires as Internal Divisions Deepen – The Yemen Review, September 2022

October 13, 2022
The truce between the internationally recognized government and the armed Houthi movement, in place since April, was allowed to expire without renewal on October 2. The UN-facilitated agreement … Read more

Showdown in Shabwa Shakes Government – The Yemen Review, August 2022

September 8, 2022
Long-running tensions between the Islamist Islah party and UAE-backed groups in Shabwa erupted into open conflict in August, with the Giants Brigades and STC-aligned Shabwa Defense forces driving … Read more

Truce Extended Until October 2

August 12, 2022
On August 2, the parties to the conflict agreed to a two-month truce extension under the existing terms. The deal comes after intensive shuttle diplomacy by the UN and the US, and the arrival of an … Read more

Government Instability Overshadows Truce – The Yemen Review, July 2022

August 12, 2022
Long-running tensions between the Islamist Islah party and the Southern Transitional Council boiled over in Shabwa in July, as political disputes over security posts devolved into clashes between … Read more