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Casey Coombs
Casey Coombs is a researcher at the Sana’a Center for Strategic Studies. Coombs also works as an independent journalist, reporting extensively on Yemen, where he was based between 2012 and 2015. Prior to Yemen, he reported from United Nations headquarters in New York, covering UN Security Council work on the Arab political uprisings.
He holds BAs in English & Anthropology and an MS in International Relations.

Casey's latest contributions

How Outsiders Fighting for Marib are Reshaping the Governorate

November 4, 2021
Marib governorate has emerged as a pivotal battleground between the armed Houthi movement on one hand, and the internationally recognized government and their respective allies on the other. The … Read more

Improving Relations Between Central State Institutions and Local Authorities

September 30, 2021
The findings of this paper broadly reflect governance trends witnessed in various parts of Yemen during the war. In Houthi-controlled areas, the central government in Sana’a has restricted the … Read more

The Baha’is in Yemen: From Obscurity to Persecution and Exile

June 18, 2021
After a brief look at the history, beliefs and philosophy of the Baha’i faith, this report examines the workings of Yemen’s Baha’i community and how this community fits into Yemen’s religious, social … Read more

Three Weeks in a Houthi Prison

December 24, 2020
On May 15, 2015, I sat between two Yemeni officers in a police truck behind the Criminal Investigation Department in Sana’a. “You’ll be free in two hours,” one of the officers told me as he stared … Read more

Al-Mahra: Where Regional Powers Define Local Politics

December 18, 2020
Although far from the frontlines of Yemen’s civil war, Al-Mahra governorate remains an important battleground for Gulf powers competing for influence in the conflict. A Saudi military buildup in … Read more