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Casey Coombs
Casey Coombs is a researcher at the Sana’a Center for Strategic Studies. Coombs also works as an independent journalist, reporting extensively on Yemen, where he was based between 2012 and 2015. Prior to Yemen, he reported from United Nations headquarters in New York, covering UN Security Council work on the Arab political uprisings.
He holds BAs in English & Anthropology and an MS in International Relations.

Casey's latest contributions

Shabwa: Progress Despite Turmoil in a Governorate of Competing Identities

November 19, 2020
Shabwa governorate, perched centrally at the foot of Yemen's mountainous highlands and stretching to the Gulf of Aden, is at a crossroads of Yemeni identity as well as geography. As part of the … Read more

Marib: A Yemeni Government Stronghold Increasingly Vulnerable to Houthi Advances

October 22, 2020
Marib, a centrally-located governorate connecting Al-Bayda, Shabwa, Hadramawt, Al-Jawf and Sana’a, has undergone a drastic transformation since the war started in 2015, emerging as a booming … Read more