The Hadramawt and Marib Strategic Forum held its third meeting in Amman, Jordan on February 24 - 27. The meeting was organized by the Sana’a Center for Strategic Studies and the Oxford Research Group.
Introduction The United States (US) has traditionally viewed Yemen as both a counterterrorism problem to be managed and as an extension of its policy toward Saudi Arabia. For President Donald Trump’s administration this has meant the continuation and expansion of two separate yet overlapping wars in Yemen, both of which began under previous administrations. In the war against al-Qaeda in…
The following is the text of Nasser’s speech: Good afternoon ladies and gentlemen, Thank you for holding this event today and for inviting me to speak. It is great to have people from so many countries coming together to try and address the humanitarian crisis in Yemen. As an economist, however, I feel the overwhelming focus on the humanitarian situation…
After three months of no official drone strikes in Yemen, the United States carried out its first strike of 2019 on New Year’s Day. Five days later, on January 6, President Donald Trump tweeted that the US had killed the target of that strike: Jamal al-Badawi, the “leader” of the attack on the USS Cole in 2000. The US military…
Yemen’s banking sector faces a litany of challenges stemming from the country’s ongoing economic collapse and the warring parties’ competition for financial control. The most critical challenge is the division of the central bank between Sana’a and Aden and the fierce competition between these two branches over the administration and regulation of the country’s commercial and Islamic banks. In February,…
Stockholm Agreement Meets Yemeni Reality Overview: Lofty Aims Face Challenging Reception UN Efforts to Support the Agreement Stockholm Agreement’s Shaky Start in Yemen Hurdles to Implementation in Hudaydah Cammaert’s Early Exit From UN Mission Prisoner Exchange Unrealized No Progress on Taiz as Violence Escalates Special Envoy: “We Need to Remain Hopeful” Developments in Yemen Economic Developments Corruption Allegations Against Aden…
This policy brief outlines recommendations for the immediate priorities of the Government of Yemen, both to achieve quick wins and to prepare the ground for medium and long-term success. These recommendations are the outcomes of in-depth discussions held during the fourth Development Champions Forum convened on December 8-11, 2018, in Amman, Jordan. They are designed to offer Prime Minister Maeen Abdulmalik Saeed and his cabinet a set of practical measures to help the government build on the momentum and increased…
The undersigned local, regional, and international organizations condemn in the strongest possible terms the unlawful detention of Saferworld Country Director Awfa Al-Naami by Houthi authorities in Sana’a, Yemen. We call for her immediate and unconditional release.
The Sana’a Center for Strategic Studies and the Oxford Research Group held a series of workshops in Yemen's Hadramawt and Marib on January 20-29 to explore opportunities for peace between the two governorates. Over 50 participants, including academics, activists, local authority representatives and journalists, discussed local issues related to prospects for peace and stability. The workshops drew a high proportion of women.
Yemen is no longer “on the brink” of catastrophe. Rather, it has already been pushed into the abyss and therein continues to fall. After four years of war, Yemen has suffered the destruction of its infrastructure, economy, social fabric, and much more. Yemenis are a nation traumatized by human loss and starvation. In the past year, photos of malnourished children…