This project aimed to increase women’s inclusion in political and peace processes in the MENA region and their ability to influence their outcomes, establish post-conflict gender egalitarian frameworks, and contribute to the long-term success of post-conflict reconciliation and reconstruction. The project created new venues and mechanisms for cross-regional, intergenerational, cross sectoral exchange as well as coalition-building for the purpose of shared learning and collective action planning. It also created a forum for South-to-North exchange and provided unique opportunities for women from the MENA region to exchange ideas and experiences with key individuals and institutions in the EU. The project focuses on a new generation of women activists and women in peacebuilding outside the traditional sphere of politics and peacemaking in Libya, Yemen, Syria, Iraq, and Palestine.
The project also aimed to increase the meaningful inclusion of women in the political and peace process in Yemen, both quantitatively and qualitatively, through knowledge-building and influencing policy; a fellowship program aimed at building women’s leadership; dialogues and advocacy; and facilitating the exchange of ideas and sharing of experiences between the MENA region and Europe. The project successfully engaged policymakers and stakeholders in dialogue and discussions; empowered women leaders by enhancing their skills, knowledge, and capacities; brought women’s priorities and issues to the forefront in the public sphere at national political fora; increased women’s access to the media; and increased awareness of European stakeholders on priority issues of women.