Analysis Main Publications News The Yemen Review Publications Index



First and foremost, I would like to thank all those who agreed to participate in this research. The willingness of those working, or who have worked, on the Yemen humanitarian response to look openly and critically at the response and their own roles in it made this series of reports possible. The openness of all interviewees to discuss topics, share thoughts and provide detailed accounts of their experiences signals the willingness within the sector for change if the avenue is provided, and I would like to acknowledge the dedication that was apparent among all the key informants to improve the situation both in Yemen and at a global level. In particular, I would like to thank one key informant who not only inspired the idea in me to carry out this research in 2020, but also continuously challenged me in my own assumptions, interpretations and knowledge throughout the writing of the report, while providing the support needed to keep at it. I would also like to thank the Sana’a Center for Strategic Studies for taking on this series and providing the forum to start an open and transparent debate on the Yemen response, especially its Yemen-based researchers who gathered the insights of additional humanitarians and activists. I would also like to appreciate the entire editorial team, those involved in graphics and layout and of course the translators who have had to translate everything into Arabic. On that note, I would like to especially thank my editor throughout the writing process, Susan Sevareid, for her hard work and bearing with me to be able to deliver the series in the best way possible. Lastly, I would like to acknowledge especially the Yemeni aid workers spoken to during the course of this research, and all those who remain in Yemen to work on the humanitarian response despite its deep-seated challenges.